Friday, June 13, 2014

The Safety Pro's Philosophy

There are many reasons why accidents happen. Worker behavior, equipment failure, lack of training, bad work habits, lack of communication, or a rush to get the job done. But all of the safety rules and regulations, training and the right equipment can't protect someone who isn't alert to what's happening around them. The sad fact is that most accidents are someones fault. They're the result of carelessness, of someone not paying attention or someone not thinking that safety is important on the job.
The Federal Occupations Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers and contractors to establish and maintain safety programs that provide policies, procedures, and practices to protect their employees from harm and train them to recognize job-related safety and health hazards.
An effective safety program includes provisions for the systematic identification, evaluation, and prevention or control of workplace hazards and hazards that may arise on the job.
The safety and health of every employee, customer, and contractors should be of primary importance to your business. Your goal should be to minimize injuries, illnesses, property loss, damage and operational interruptions caused by work related accidents, injuries, or other hazardous conditions.
To be successful in this endeavor, job safety has to be everyones concern and not just that of a project manager, safety supervisor, or company owner, When someone gets careless, someone gets hurt - including the careless person and maybe an innocent bystander. The excuse that "it's not my fault" doesn't apply to job safety.
Everyone must be responsible and held accountable.

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